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" It was about my 11th, I was diagnosed with Scoliosis in an S form. For 4 years I had to wear a hard brace around my waste to make sure it would make my back a little better.. (to not have a metal stick attached my back) and it did for a little bit. In and out of hospitals that was my life.. With lots of exercise and swimming I managed to go from a 46° curve at the top of my back and a 39° curve in the lower part of my back to 42° and 35°...
I usually don't like to burden people with my health issues and the constant pain in my back.. so I do my best to keep quiet because most might not understand my pain as it is a daily struggle. I suffered from stress and pains at night that you can't imagine, cried almost every night. I just wanted to be normal like all the other Kids. .. so that's what I did. I continued my life like nothing was wrong and that I could handle anything with a big smile on my face. My doctor warned me to be more careful because I couldn't have the same lifestyle as a "normal" person. But I just wouldn't listen.. so the years went by and my pain got worse everyday. I am the kind of person that doesn't except a NO for an answer. I have trained my muscles to keep my posture right and to hold my spine right so you don't actually see much of my scoliosis.
I worked my ass off to be normal to work as a normal person. But like 9 months ago I couldn't handle nothing anymore.. I was completely knocked out of the game... I continued to smile, but I was lost and my pain was unbearable... I had to eat with books under my plate so that I could reach my fork... I had a lot of negative thoughts about putting an end to everything. .. that was how low I was in my state of being.. it is not only the pain but also what is does to your spirit in a world full of egocentric and selfish people. Because of this accumulation of experience I started feeling low and depressed, which isn't an easy ride.
About 6 weeks ago I got in touch with Rain Soul and Core.... through my Theta Healing instructor Natasja Pelgrom here in Holland. She called me up and said... Dyane, come to me NOW! ... Her voice was so convincing that I put everything aside and just went. She introduced me to this amazing product with a little sack of 30cl, it contains all that we need to nourish ourselves its pure source nutrition and in just one little sack. She said... try this a couple of days and call me over! Amazed and not knowing what to expect I went home and did what she told me to do. In one week I noticed something very different... I was laying on my couch and missing something. I got really confused because what was it!!! ... it was my pain... my chronic pain was gone.. OMG... this was a breakthrough for me and I called her back and couldn't find the words to thank her and the universe for placing this amazing cure in my hands.
I wanted to know more and went to an introductory meeting, there and then I knew and felt this wasn't life changing for my health only but for all... so I became a distributor!
People ask me a lot of times, why do you want to be there for everyone and help all the people in need... my answer is quite simple, I know how it is to need a helping hand and to need comfort and support so I do whatever I can to help others. Don't mistake my goodness for weakness... I am PROUD to be like this and to share everything I have to the ones who need it. I will always continue to be like this even though I have been stepped on a million times in my journey called; life. People won't always return the favour, but it doesn't bother me any longer. Do good and you get it in return.. maybe not in the way you expect but you will have your return. I thank the doctors that created this product and Byron Belka whom had the vision to bring it to the people! Thank you for giving me my health back.
Last but not least; I worked for many years in styling and events, I loved it and still love it...won't leave the business. But through the process I realised where my heart really is.. I want to make a difference with an impact, help people who are in need and help animals... that's always been my main goal in life. I LOVE RAIN SOUL & RAIN CORE...without it I would be still swimming in my thoughts and would not be able to be so fit and have so much energy I'm experiencing right now. ❤❤
For everyone who has depression. .. who needs extra energy... who has physical problems or just in need of some extra energy and focus in their lives..... try and see what it can do for you..... I hope it changes your life as it did with me. My back won't be right anymore but as long as a I have Core my pain is gone ❤❤ I AM A HAPPY WOMAN....first time in my life that I can say this out loud really. I am not afraid anymore to share this with the world. "
~ Dyane N

>> Scoliosis :- 
Scoliosis is a medical condition in which a person's spine has a sideways curve. ... Mild scoliosis does not typically cause problems, while severe cases can interfere with breathing. Pain is typically not present.

@ 华文 :https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/脊椎側彎