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LIVE CHAT 现场对话聊天 (仅 0900 - 2230 ONLY) 】

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(( 2017 ))
2 years ago I came to Manchester for the first time. I remember this experience like yesterday. I barely started my network marketing business and friend of mine told me there is an amazing event called Go Pro in Network Marketing by Eric Worre there - November 2015. So I said ok...

I was completely broke and didn’t really know what could I do. All my credit cards were in debt and on the maximum limit possible, all my debit cards were empty. But something told me in my heart I need to go...as I was gathering money together to get my flight ticket I also didn’t want to miss a chance and go to see my favourite club Man Utd playing. I got the cheapest game ticket as possible and I remember I had around 25 eur on one of the cards so I was able to withdraw 20 pounds from ATM. I took this 20 pounds and got something to eat and drink a little bit away from the stadium as I was afraid it won’t be enough if I buy it at the stadium. After the game I went to hotel I booked and they told me hotel was not paid because credit card is not going through...So the only thing I had was some euros that I had saved for this days that I will be staying in Manchester. Unfortunately hotel told me they are not accepting euros. All exchange offices were also closed for a day and they didn’t know where to direct me to exchange this money to pay my night in the hotel. So I sat down for a second and I thought...is there any casino around? Receptionists said...ooh yes, its around 10 min walk. I said great, let me go and try to exchange money there. So I went there, got my “loyalty card” with 10 pounds free play in casino at entrance. Then I went upstairs and exchanged 100 eur so I was able to pay my hotel. Before I left casino I said to myself...let me see what God have for me with this free play money I got at entrance. I went to play and made 100 pounds from it, withdraw it and went back to hotel! At this point I knew something great is coming for me after all this struggling and experience above.

Next days I attended the above event and my life turned around completely.

Here I am today, on my 2 years “anniversary” of being broke and didn’t know what to do with myself. I knew I had great vehicle with my network marketing company but didn’t know how to drive this vehicle!

Today I am attending match again, I gave myself the best treat possible. I got special VIP ticket that I have paid one average slovenian monthly salary for it, I am traveling around the world, just came from Dallas for my 85th flight this year!!...helping people to share the knowledge, change their situation, motivate and inspire others, becoming more and changing things! Knowledge and skills I got in this 2 amazing years of journey its precious, speaking to you as financially free person, paid out all the debts, helped my family a lot and still planning to do more.

Cheers all my great friends and wish you a lot of success.