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Since starting the RAIN SOUL, I have noticed the increased energy (no longer depending on coffee) and better quality of sleep.  My immunity level has increased - I have not even had a cold since starting it ! My kids have not been as sick as they usually are in the winter. If they do come down with a bug, it is less severe and lasts only a day or so. Kalani was sick just one day with a flu that had other kids in his class out for a week. Hip pain that had been keeping me up at night disappeared after the first week. My husband is experiencing less joint pain that has bothered him for years.

I had my mom and my 97-year-old grandmother try it too. My mom is experiencing less chronic neck pain increased energy, and strengthened immunity.  My grandma has increased energy, improved circulation in her hands, less frequent trips to the bathroom at night, improved movement in her joints, and more mental clarity. She now feels stronger in her legs after the addition of the protein supplement, FORM. No more Boost or Ensure ! My cousin has been able to go from taking 5-6 Neurontin a day for neuropathy in his legs, to just 1 or 2.  My father-in-law is experiencing less joint pain in his shoulders and improvement with his plantar fasciitis, which makes golfing much more pleasureable!

My husband and I started taking CORE in February. We didn't think our health could get any better after using SOUL, but it DID!  CORE truly does cleanse your system of toxins.  The result of that, for us, has been a visible reduction in fat and cellulite and a decreased craving for sweets and junk food.

I have learned that these 3 products will improve the nutritional status of anyone, good or bad diet, it doesn't matter. These are not just another vitamin supplement. The phytochemicals in the seeds used give your body nutrients that you can't get from a regular diet alone (I have the science to prove it, if you want proof to such a bold statement). Using the whole seed instead of just the extracted oils is genius and the first of it's kind.
(YEAR 2017)